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Captain Swing BS: Her Majesty The Queen (115* d) RE: BS: Her Majesty The Queen 07 Feb 21

Ok, so apart from some very fine and pointless detail, the monarch has no substantive executive power. The monarch is useless. We all seem to be in agreement on that point but then there is the question, "What could we possibly replace her with?"

It seems to me that the UK is like a guy who has a Rolls Royce on the drive that has no engine. It can never be used to take him anywhere but does look beautiful in front of the house and many of his neighbours are quite jealous. He would like to be able to travel more easily as it would enrich his life but he couldn't think of getting rid of the RR because, "What could we possibly replace her with?"

Well there will be many cars available that will get him from A to B and maybe even X, Y and Z. They won't all look as good as the RR but they will all perform better, undoubtedly some will fail from time to time and some he will need to ditch quite quickly and move on. It's reasonable to consider that each car does not need to be his last. As his needs change he might need to change his style of vehicle.

"What about the neighbours though?" Well he will have loads of photos, memories and anecdotes of the RR to share with the neighbours and they will probably enjoy visiting him on occasion to reminisce about when he had the RR on the drive!

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