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Captain Swing Tune Add: Humber to Winooski (13) Tune Add: Humber to Winooski 03 Mar 21

There is a bunch of stalwart folkies in Montpelier Vermont who have played resolutely through lockdown on Zoom. One of the tunes they have played is an earlier one of mine. They now know it by heart and probably better than I do, it's certainly played more in America at the moment than in the UK!

To honour their commitment, I have written a new tune for them that, I hope captures some flavours of Celtic music of the UK and Ireland but also strains of North American and French Canadian music. Not sure if it has worked but it's turned out to be quite a deceptively easy tune to play.

Here it is for anyone who would like; named after respective local rivers:

Humber to Winooski

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