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GUEST,Holly Tannen Lyr Req: Coronavirus Songs (COVID-19; Pandemic) (162* d) RE: Lyr Req: Coronavirus Songs (COVID-19; Pandemic) 07 Aug 21

I Could Not Stop For Covid
        by Homily Tannenson
Tune: The Bold Privateer

I could not stop for Covid
So He kindly stopped for me.
The Seniors’ bus held only us
And my mortality.
        He slowly drove down Franklin Street
        As I lay down my phone
        And wondered what to say
        After nine long weeks alone.                

We passed the school where children once
Played soccer on the lawn.
The playground and the swimming pool,
But everyone was gone.
        He paused outside the coffee shop
        I used to go to eat
        But no one was inside now
        And no one on the street.

I shivered in the morning fog
The air was cold and dank
No neighbors in the hardware store
The grocery or the bank.
        I raised my mask and asked him
        Is poison on my breath?
        Or shall I live and witness
        My town condemned to Death?

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