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GUEST,John Bowden (not a typo!) Pronunciation Of German Lyrics (27) RE: Pronunciation Of German Lyrics 24 Sep 21

Hi Annabelle,

The lyrics are shown here

I've transliterated the text to show how the words are pronounced, although sometimes it's not easy to show it in English - e.g. "ich" is neither "ish" nor "ik", but a soft ch sound - and the umlauts (erblühn, glühn etc) don't have exact equivalents in English - anyway, I hope it gives you some idea: I've capitalised the stressed syllables. I'm afraid it looks clumsy, but many sounds are approximate between the two languages.

Ich will Dir verleih'n
Haar wie gold'ner Sonnenschein
Lippen, die wie Rosen glüh'n
und auf ewig soll der Frühling erblüh'n

Ich vill deer fair-LINE
Har vee GOLLD-nuh ZONN-en-shine
LIPP-en dee vee ROSE-en bloon (very approximate!)
Unt owf AY-vig zoll der FROO-ling er-BLOON

Dann schenk’ ich ihr Gesang
mit Musik ihr Leben lang
die Nachtigall, der Troubadour
singet ihr Lieder voll Glück und Kultur

Dan shenk ich ear ge-ZANG
Mitt moo-ZEEK ear LAY-ben lang
Dee NAKT-i-gall, dare Troubadour (Same as English!)
ZING-et ear LEE-duh foll gluk unt kull-TOUR

Die Liebe immer siegt

Dee LEE-buh IM-muh zeegt

The literal translation in English:

I will give you
Hair like golden sunshine
Lips that glow like roses,
And may spring always bloom

Then I will give her song
With music her whole life long
The nightingale, the troubadour,
Will sing her songs full of happiness and culture

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