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GUEST,John Bowden (not a typo!) Pronunciation Of German Lyrics (27) RE: Pronunciation Of German Lyrics 24 Sep 21


Just a couple of spelling amendments - they say:

Flora (Erna Sellmer): Kleines Prinzesschen! Meine Gabe sei das geschenk der schönheit!

KLAIN-ess Prin-TSESS-shen! [Approximately!]. MY-nuh GAR-buh zie (rhymes with "lie"]

dass guh=SHENK dare SCHERN-hite

(Little Princess! My present shall be the gift of beauty)

Fauna (Elfe Schneider): Süßes Prinzesschen! Meine Gabe sei eine Stimme wie Gold!

ZOO-sess Prin-TSESS-shen! MY-nuh GAR-buh zie EYE-nuh sht-IMMUH vee gollt

(Sweet little Pricncess! My gift shall be a voice like gold)

Both "Gabe" and "Geschenk" mean "present"/"gift" - "Geschenk is the more general one (birthday/Christmas present etc., and Gabe is more a gift in the sense of talent/ability.

The subjunctive "sei" means "may (my gift) be...", but here really just "my gift will be..."


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