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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Malcolm Storey Is folk a dirty four-letter word? (276* d) RE: Is folk a dirty four-letter word? 21 Dec 21

Here are some snippets of correspondence with a concerned friend - no name no pack drill.

So now to the latest rubbish to arrive from the front!
The so called questionnaire / survey must have been put together by an eight year old with learning difficulties!!
What a mess.
I note "they" are taking this forward on the strength of initial responses from 65 (SIXTY FIVE) persons - that's almost one in a million of the UK population. Impressive what?
What does the current treasurer think of the idea of throwing money away?
Before any decisions are made on this issue it would be far more important to look at the current staff appointments, their salaries and most importantly their responsibilities. I have a feeling there is a lot of dead wood - including those at the top.
As I say above a cull is needed.

Part of reply
I've had the questionnaire, but not yet opened up .... I've seen enough Facebook messages, including from a professional statistician, rubbishing the structure to convince me that I need to be calm before I open it.

Another point I made was that at the time I joined the Society they/we were pushing to attain a membership of 10,000.
The staff structure at the time including field staff was less than the current numbers.
They also did not have the benefit of computers etc to aid the running of the Society.

Membership now stands at less than 2000 (there's progress) and yet seems to cost in real terms a hell of a lot more to administer.

Lot's to think about when the body which purports to represent our interests in a culture we all supposedly treasure is in the hands of these people.

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