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GUEST,Charles Is folk a dirty four-letter word? (276* d) RE: Is folk a dirty four-letter word? 30 Dec 21

not ruining folk music but ruining the enjoyment of someone who wishes to hear folk music, it maybe a competently perfomed version of rave on, but if the audience member went to hear willy of the winesbury, he she might have had a ruined evening.
you were running a club and assumed that everyone wants to hear buddy holly, it is rather like advertising martin carthy and you substitute him with andy caven. a good way to piss off your audience.[ andy caven performed buddy holly songs well] but that is not what most people had come expecting
Says the man who happily included My little nicotine gal in his set at the Folk Club I go to.
By the way it is polite to use capital letters when writing peoples names

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