As perpetrated premiered on the Singaround last Monday: Shelf Raiders in the Store Tune: Ghost Riders in the Sky 'Twas graveyard shift in Sainsbury's one dark and stormy night The weary staff were busy stacking shelves with all their might When all at once I heard a scream, and when I turned I saw A crowd of ghostly pensioners .... into the shop did pour: Flippin'-L A Flippin'-L O Shelf raiders in the store. Their walking frames were made of rusting steel and peeling chrome Their trolley wheels did ceaselessly assert their right to roam But they pressed grimly onward, their faces hard and mean As they passed toilet paper shelves .... those shelves were all stripped clean: Flippin'-L A Flippin'-L O Shelf raiders in the store. I found that I had panicked, grabbing ev'ry tin I could A wrinkled hand pressed down on mine, their chief before me stood His face was oddly youthful, but wizened by despair With pity in his voice he said .... Young man do not go there --- Once you start panic-buying you will share our gruesome fate The only food we eat is six months past its use-by date So don't break mouldy bread with us, or with us you will be Condemned to hunting toilet rolls .... for all eternity: Flippin'-L A Flippin'-L O Shelf raiders in the store (once more for luck) --- Flippin'-L A Flippin'-L O Shelf raiders in the store. This parody Copyright © Martin J Carter 2022