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GUEST,Rick Pollay Lyr Add: Dear Mr Rogers (1) Lyr Add: Dear Mr Rogers 18 Apr 22

Dear Mr. Rogers by Alison Freebairn-Smith

Mr. Rogers a kindly TV Children's Entertainer and Philosopher died at age 74 in 2003. This is a fond and gentle reminiscence, very much like his persona.

Dear Mr. Rogers: Where are you?
I hope it’s a beautiful place
With all that you did for all of us kids
I hope you’re inside pearly gates

Dear Mr. Rogers: I miss you
Just like a kind-hearted friend
The love that you gave me is part of what saved me
Though I didn’t know it back then

And now that you’re gone, your spirit lives on
In the music and lessons I still savor
Wherever you are, how near or how far
        You’ll always be my neighbor

Dear Mr. Rogers: I’m sorry
It isn’t just you that I grieve
The love you proclaimed has fallen to shame
Here in the land of make believe

Dear Mr. Rogers: I need you
Your words always put me at ease
Nothing makes sense in these current events
I need you to explain it to me

I think of you now and all you espoused
        To help me feel a little braver
Wherever you are, how near or how far
        You’ll always be my neighbor

Dear Mr. Rogers: Thank you
My feelings for you never waivered
Wherever you are, please know in my heart
You’ll always be my neighbor

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