I was sad to miss it this year, too. I heard several reports, the most complete from a festival regular who mostly hangs out to play tunes. She reports that the attendance was WAY down, there were perhaps only a dozen tents/RVs in the field. The dancing was good. She thought that there was a nice influx of youth, though didn't see anything that was just for kids. She was most impressed with some of the Quebecois folks, a spoons/bones workshop, some great banjo workshop, (but minimal banjos for a banjo jam) Her distinct impression was it was a really really good year for singers. Reported Sally Rogers was superb. She wouldn't have been surprised if they lost money. Got less specific from other folks other than "smaller, but still wonderful" was the general comment. Unfortunately the Folk Notebook streaming of the concerts has technical problems galore, so I didn't get a chance to listen online. Next year... I'm planning on next year. Joanne in Cleveland