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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Stewart Fenton Nadia Cattouse - whatever happened to? (161* d) RE: Nadia Cattouse - whatever happened to? 05 Jul 22

I must admit I'm looking at this thread in connection with the Seekers. Nadia, the Seekers, and the Settlers were on a TV show which must have been in late 1964,which has been mentioned on this thread as "Sing Along", at least I think that's the show I remember. The show I saw was weekly, and the time slot of 6.30 doesn't sound far out. Each act would perform two songs. Nadia's name was definitely pronounced to rhyme with "moose", and I remember those highly amusing lyrics as being "we must not interrupt the telly vee". At the time we (my family) would probably assume that songs like that were self-penned, I certainly thought Nadia wrote this one, until five minutes ago. No doubt this is how the Seekers came to know this song. The Seekers seem to be a bit outside the scope of this thread, well they veered away from folk a bit, didn't they, however, I've recently been catching up with my 58 year love for the Seekers and Judith (of course), and have seen many, many videos of them from over the years. But as far as I can see, I haven't seen any from Singalong, including any from Nadia or the Settlers. At 71 now, I may only have another 29 years to search.
I'll just mention two more things, firstly that I do seem to have the idea the Seekers debuted "I'll never find another you" on this show, and secondly, I still carry the image of Judith banging that tambourine and hollering out gospel songs in that beautiful, powerful voice.

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