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GUEST,Bob Coltman Origins: Jamaica Farewell: History? (54* d) RE: Origins: Jamaica Farewell: History? 02 Sep 22

Irvin Burgie as Lord Burgess broke on the scene in 1954 with one of the finest, freshest calypso pop LPs ever. Stinson SLP-62 came out in a 10" version but quickly was reissued on red vinyl as a 12", that size being the wave of the future. Here is the tracklist (some of the tracks may have been reissued on later records):

Stinson SLP-62: Folk Songs of Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad
Carolina Caro
Panama Tombé
Rum and Coconut Water
Oh, Not a Cent
Old Lady, You're Mashing My Toe

Composer information not given, but some of the above were traditional, or at least not written by Burgie, like the beautiful Choucounne, one of the islands' best-known standards, and Rookambey (a different version was recorded by the Duke of Iron on Stinson). I believe Carolina Caro and Angelique-O are also traditional.   The other cuts may well be by Burgie; some use preexisting tunes (Oh, Not a Cent to the tune of Linstead Market, for example).

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