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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Jack Ferrell Origins:Time Has Made a Change in Me (31) RE: Origins:Time Has Made a Change in Me 13 Feb 23

Hello, I know Harkins Frye wrote "Time has Made A Change in Me", but I am looking for a song that he also wrote with the phrase in the song "Just Costing Along" in the song. Not sure of the title. My father in law would like to find a copy if it is print? If it is in a hymnal or not? If so which one? He is 82 and I would love to find him a copy even if it is just a copy of the lyrics if some would have a copy. He remembers Harkins Frye teaching it to a singing school that he put on when he was young (around 9-10 years old). I would love to get him a copy of it. I have been looking with no avail. Please email me if someone would I appreciate it.


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