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GUEST,An Old Folkie ADD: Blooming Star of Antrim (Corby’s Mill) (6) Lyr Req: Blooming Star of Antrim (Corbie’s Mill) 21 Feb 23

Does anyone have the lyrics to the song, “The Blooming Star of Antrim,” as sung by Vin Garbutt in the late 1970s?

Vin used to sing this song a lot at folk clubs in Britain and I always loved it. I actually used to know most of the lyrics but can no longer remember them other than this repeated line at the end of every verse:

She’s the blooming star of Antrim and the flower of Corbie’s Mill

Unfortunately, I can’t even find the song on any records or live videos. It would be amazing to hear it again, particularly as sung by Vin. If anyone knows of a recording that can be viewed or purchased do please let me know as well.

Thanks to all in advance.

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