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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Mack The Gilded Cage (Philadelphia Coffee House) (28) RE: The Gilded Cage (Philadelphia Coffee House) 29 Jan 24

As a student at Drexel in early '60s my home-town classmate and I
would often go to the Gilded Cage for their FANTASTIC corned beef
and swiss on rye sandwich, delicious soup (French Onion, perhaps?)
and a soft drink embellished with a colorful plastic animal bearing
a bright red cherry. They had "exotic" soft drinks, like grenadine
and almond sodas. Sometimes they showed movies on a small screen,
and I remember watching Federico Fellini's "La Strada" there and
being enchanted by Jiulietta Massina.

Wonderful times!

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