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Bob Hitchcock Fylde Fallstaff guitar needs a new home. (3) Fylde Falstaff guitar needs a new home. 11 Feb 24

Hello Mudcatters,
I have a Fylde Falstaff guitar which I have owned since 1983. The instrument was made in 1979 and sent to the USA as a demo for the importers. I have played this guitar on stage and in the studio many times and the sound is amazing, as you would expect.

I am now only playing classical instruments with nylon strings, so I need to find a new home for the Fylde. I am located just outside Washington D.C. and would prefer not to ship this guitar unless I have to. I can provide photographs and detailed descriptions to any interested people.

I hate to see it go but I also hate to see it sitting idle in my house, it needs someone who will play it and treasure it for a long time.

Feel free to contact me here if interested.

Bob Hitchcock.

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