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GUEST,Brimbacombe Obit: Chris Sugden [Sid Kipper](1952-2024) (26) RE: Obit: Chris Sugden [Sid Kipper](1952-2024) 08 Apr 24

'A wonderful addition to the folk scene.'

They were indeed. On reflection, I think I loved The Kippers/Sid Kipper because they took the mickey out of the music we love with such a rare affection and intelligence. I have seen countless people mock folk music/folkies in England over the years in deeply unoriginal ways - usually sticking their finger in their ear, holding a pewter tankard and singing out of tune, with these boring stereotypes being 'the joke'. The Kippers were the antithesis to that in my eyes. They were laughing with us, not at us. You couldn't (re)write the songs they did without having a deep knowledge and love for English folk music. That's what made them so joyous for so many of us. I'll miss them terribly, but what a service they performed.

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