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GUEST,.gargoyle I have lost my underwear & other underwear songs (136* d) RE: I have lost my underwear & other underwear songs 15 May 24

(trans = Always Wear Under Wear ... aka play on word Where)

2021 original musical production of Moonshine Abbey
by Backman and Kowalczyk
performed in St. Paul, MN "Missed the Boat Theatre"
directed by Mary Shaffer.

(Pious - Gregorian Chant Style)

Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Et tu uquae.

Semper rae corpus.
Semper deus
Ummm, ummm, day uuuuu.

(burlesque trombone vamp to piano)

There is no talking in the chapel,
There is no talking anywhere.
There is no eating in between meals.

The chapel is secure
We always say our prayer,
Is there something under there?
Under where?
Under there?

There's no napping in the abby,
We hardly sleep at all
We never speak to women
We never have phone calls
(She called me!l)

There's no magazines or papers
We have left the world alone
No smoking,
No drinking,
No thinking about your home

Hora, by hora, there is no smiling here,
Always work and never play
Is there something under there?
Under where?
Under there!

We always keep our heads down
Our feet are always there
Our habits are of coarse wool

I know your habits made of wool
And your feet are always there
But what do you wear under there?
Under where?

Just remember this one rule
And there is nothing left to say
Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Semper ubi quae

Always wear underwear
Always and everywhere
Always wear underwear

Always wear underwear
Always and everywhere
Always wear underwear

(chorus line formation vamp)

Is there something over there?
Is there something over there?
Is there something over there?

Is there something in the air?
In the Abby in a prayer
Is there something over there?

There IS something over there
Over where?
Under where?
There IS something over there
Over where?
Under where?

So just remeber kid ...
(Gregorian chant)

Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Et tu uquae.

Semper rae corpus.
Semper deus
Ummm, ummm, day uuuuu.

(trans = Always Wear Under Wear ... aka play on word Where)

2021 original musical production of Moonshine Abbey
by Backman and Kowalczyk
performed in St. Paul, MN "Missed the Boat Theatre"
directed by Mary Shaffer.

(Pious - Gregorian Chant Style)

Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Et tu uquae.

Semper rae corpus.
Semper deus
Ummm, ummm, day uuuuu.

(burlesque trombone vamp to piano)

There is no talking in the chapel,
There is no talking anywhere.
There is no eating in between meals.

The chapel is secure
We always say our prayer,
Is there something under there?
Under where?
Under there?

There's no napping in the abby,
We hardly sleep at all
We never speak to women
We never have phone calls
(She called me!l)

There's no magazines or papers
We have left the world alone
No smoking,
No drinking,
No thinking about your home

Hora, by hora, there is no smiling here,
Always work and never play
Is there something under there?
Under where?
Under there!

We always keep our heads down
Our feet are always there
Our habits are of coarse wool

I know your habits made of wool
And your feet are always there
But what do you wear under there?
Under where?

Just remember this one rule
And there is nothing left to say
Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Semper ubi quae

Always wear underwear
Always and everywhere
Always wear underwear

Always wear underwear
Always and everywhere
Always wear underwear

(chorus line formation vamp)

Is there something over there?
Is there something over there?
Is there something over there?

Is there something in the air?
In the Abby in a prayer
Is there something over there?

There IS something over there
Over where?
Under where?
There IS something over there
Over where?
Under where?

So just remeber kid ...
(Gregorian chant)

Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Et tu uquae.

Semper rae corpus.

(trans = Always Wear Under Wear ... aka play on word Where)

2021 original musical production of Moonshine Abbey
by Backman and Kowalczyk
performed in St. Paul, MN "Missed the Boat Theatre"
directed by Mary Shaffer.

(Pious - Gregorian Chant Style)

Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Et tu uquae.

Semper rae corpus.
Semper deus
Ummm, ummm, day uuuuu.

(burlesque trombone vamp to piano)

There is no talking in the chapel,
There is no talking anywhere.
There is no eating in between meals.

The chapel is secure
We always say our prayer,
Is there something under there?
Under where?
Under there?

There's no napping in the abby,
We hardly sleep at all
We never speak to women
We never have phone calls
(She called me!l)

There's no magazines or papers
We have left the world alone
No smoking,
No drinking,
No thinking about your home

Hora, by hora, there is no smiling here,
Always work and never play
Is there something under there?
Under where?
Under there!

We always keep our heads down
Our feet are always there
Our habits are of coarse wool

I know your habits made of wool
And your feet are always there
But what do you wear under there?
Under where?

Just remember this one rule
And there is nothing left to say
Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Semper ubi quae

Always wear underwear
Always and everywhere
Always wear underwear

Always wear underwear
Always and everywhere
Always wear underwear

(chorus line formation vamp)

Is there something over there?
Is there something over there?
Is there something over there?

Is there something in the air?
In the Abby in a prayer
Is there something over there?

There IS something over there
Over where?
Under where?
There IS something over there
Over where?
Under where?

So just remeber kid ...
(Gregorian chant)

Semper ubi,
Sub ubi,
Et tu uquae.

Semper rae corpus.
Semper deus
Ummm, ummm, day uummmm


numquam ubi

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