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the lemonade lady Lyr Req: folk song: Let Me In (7) Lyr Req: folk song: Let Me In 24 Jun 24

I'm trying to remember a song I used to sing called 'Let Me In'.
It's about a young man who arrives at his girlfriend's door, soaking wet, and she won't let him in.

Some lyrics I can remember are:

Me Ma and Pa are fast asleep
Me brother is up, but he's with the sheep
So I can not let you in,
No I can not let you in.

He turned around, away for to go
but sweet affection she did show...

it ends up with him staying the night, and in the morning they went to church and he made her his bride.

Ring any bells? I think it's Cornish

(The retired Lemonaade Lady)

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