a long time beloved album, both LP and now the CD... and I remember the long search to figure out just what the heck north Cape Horn meant lol and the mentions of training ships also has strong tie ins with shanties and sea songs because while the shift from sail to steam made seafaring far safer than ever before, the older sailors had a deeper understanding or feel for the sea and its challenges.. I base this on the writings of Sir Walter Runciman, a Northumbrian sailor who rose from apprentice to master and finally became the owner of a fleet of small steam merchantmen, the ocean tramps, who fought for seaman's rights, fair treatment and also the need for old sailing ships to be used as training vessels to better train apprentices. It was Sir Walter's immediate family who sang sea shanties and inspired a young nephew, Richard Runciman Terry, to collect and publicly promote sea music and write Shanty Books I & 2 and other works.