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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
pattyClink DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1110* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 28 Jul 24

On the road today, skirted the edges of a bad thunderstorm out of Alamagordo area, and the phone alerts for more flash floods in Ruidoso turned out to not be on my path, so lucked out with that.

I just have this one trip to make to clean out storage in the southeast, and while east I'll see a few people and catch a couple of events music and mineral related. It's not a fit time for rockhounding anywhere south of the 40th parallel, I'm afraid. Perhaps I'll search for the elusive bedstead, there may be better pickings on vintage furniture that in the west.

Have cleared out a few cabinets and a lot of the 'basement' storage so that I can tuck in some of the poundage in storage. There are lots of hatches and cubbies to make use of, and may target those for the more heat sensitive items to stay cooler.

Today I tried to follow a zoom class while driving--got off to a great start, but stupidly laid the tablet on the dash, and after 10 minutes in the sun it overheated and went blank. By the time I held it next to the a/c vents and cooled it off, I was headed into no-signal territory in mountains. Oh well, I tried. Hard to schedule travel around classes and sessions.

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