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GUEST,henryp Ashokan Farewell - A Scottish Lament (??) (126* d) RE: Ashokan Farewell - A Scottish Lament (??) 10 Aug 24

Ruth [Ungar], before she and Mike performed the tune, talked a little about it, how it paid for her way through university and how her dad is still surprised after all these years with its success. She talked about meeting a street performer in Scotland and how performing Ashokan Farewell on his fiddle always brought the best money. “My dad would be so pleased,” she said. [Stereo Stories by Luke R Davies October 2019]

Filmmaker Ken Burns used it in two of his documentary films: Huey Long (1985), and The Civil War (1990), which features the original recording by Fiddle Fever. In the UK, Classic FM broadcast it frequently. In 2013, the performance by solo violinist Major John Perkins of The Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines was voted no. 36 in Classic FM's (UK) Hall of Fame.

The royalties come from sheet music sales and recording and performance rights, and we can only guess which are greater. Nor can we be sure whether more musicians have learned the tune by ear or from the printed page. But my guess is that most have learned it by ear.

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