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GUEST,henryp Ashokan Farewell - A Scottish Lament (??) (126* d) RE: Ashokan Farewell - A Scottish Lament (??) 12 Aug 24

GUEST, RA; That's a splendid sentiment! Alas, not all the messages posted on this thread are as charitable;

WorldCat lists far more different formats and arrangements for that piece of shit than I have the patience to sift through.

It was written to be played en masse by a fiddle school (as their closing number).

The tune was not intended to have interpretive subtleties.

I have an ambition to play it as a jig to get it over with faster but haven't figured out how yet.

"Ashokan Farewell" was published by Mel Bay on 1 January 1983. Must have made Ungar a fair bit in that form, before the Civil War royalties started rolling in.

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