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GUEST,henryp Any August Songs? (218* d) RE: Any August Songs? 15 Aug 24

On 15 August 1771, Sir Walter Scott, creator of the historical novel, was born in Edinburgh.
His home, Abbotsford, is open to the public at Tweedbank in the Borders.

SINGER'S REQUEST (Nic Jones, adapted from Scott)
See Mudcat thread Origin: Singer's Request / Minstrel's Request

Now the sun it does decline; pour the beer and pour the wine.
We can lead your thoughts astray from the world and from the day.

CHORUS Dark the night and long till day; do not bid us further stray.
Dark the night and long till day; do not bid us further stray.

We sing songs of history, love and war and mystery.
We can lead you from despair, or can chill the darkening air.

You may choose to pass us by with a cruel or scornful eye.
We will see the ending through, then we'll turn and say to you:

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