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Vic Smith Scottish Gems From K Goldstein Archive (12) RE: Scottish Gems From K Goldstein Archive 18 Aug 24

Vic, I have more than once thought about Blin Robin Hutchinson, was it he who had a twin also a singer?
Not that I know of. I only met him once briefly at a party at Lucy Stewart's and never heard him sing live. I have some recordings of him and of his sisters Teenie & Lizzie Mary that were made by Peter Hall.
I can remember Davy Stewart telling me that when he first ran away from home at the age of 14, that he travelled and busked with Robin who he held in the highest regard.
Over the years I have been very surprised in listening to the recordings of the residents of Gaval Street that their versions of songs and ballads could be so different. Of the ones that I have heard, the ones whose versions and timings seem most similar to me are Blin'Robin and Jane Turriff who lived diagonally opposite one another.

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