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pattyClink DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1110* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 27 Aug 24

Well things have gone a bit off track in the journey. I did get back to Mississippi but it took an extra day, and then spent an extra day with relatives here. Today at last was a day to catch up and condense the cabinets. Tomorrow a doc visit, then the loading starts.

But no. The fridge decided last night would be a great time to fail, at a leafy park way off the beaten track.   

I consulted with my distant tech, and there is no quick fix, it'll likely be acquiring and replacing one of two 'boards' in the thing, and rather than spend time and money here and possibly not even get good results, or get delayed weeks by waiting on a part, I went out and got a cooler and some ice, and have saved the important stuff. So far the little freezer compartment is holding its own if I add more ice, but I'll gradually empty that.

So. Wishing I had kept the pan and the canned food on board for this trip! Will be regrouping on what I eat for the next 10 days. Will keep dairy stuff chilled, and rely on produce that doesn't need chilling. Perhaps in this hot weather it'd be best to just buy big fountain drinks and lunches on the road. For dinners, clever healthy ideas welcome.

"The best laid schemess of mice and men gang aft agley."

On the up side, I did reclaim an old all-metal-parts sewing machine my sis-in-law took off my hands in the Great Garage Sale of 2017. She since acquired her mom's and was ready to pass it back. I hope someone appreciates Stilly's venerable machine too.   I remember an aunt helping us get gowns ready for my wedding, using an old (treadle!) machine. Very easy to control, it would never 'run away with you'.

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