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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
pattyClink DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1110* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 04 Sep 24

Well done on the purple goblets!

Things continued to get worse as I spent a couple of scorching hours trying to get my hitch to work. Finally gave up but not before taking photos of the underside. Researched online, which has become so difficult since the crapification of search. But, finally realized, yes my coupler latch was not functioning correctly. The good news, an excellent hitch mechanic was less than ten miles from the issue.

Since the 'schedule' has been blown to bits, might as well drop into low gear and keep my health and sanity. So, got the engine serviced and tires double-checked, knocked out the laundry with the residual left on one of those stupid cards some places make you buy, and then went to see the trailer people.   I was advised to raise the latch handle and whack it with a hammer because the dealybob was jammed.

Anyway, happy ending to yesterday, I did get hitched up, though it still took forever because having to thread a tiny needle getting the ball in socket yet forward of the dealybob. Musta climbed in and out of that cab 30 times, and 50 the day before. On level ground I could have manhandled the thing into place, but not with trailer on a downslope, weight and gravity against me.

Reported back to the wonderful trailer shop, where they cheeerfully examined it and greased all the parts that needed it. Apparently I need to get a little pot of lithium grease.

I am off this morning to load, my back not feeling good because Igloo and Wal-mart think it's okay to sell a large cooler with no drain valve (no it never crossed my mind to check for this). So I've had to heft it over to the door to drain, and it's too much deal weight for me.   Last night I bailed it into a bucket instead. But hey, Igloo made an extra 50 cents profit by leaving out the pesky drain plug, so I hope their CEO is a little more comfortable in his Hampton beach house.

I should waste more time returning the thing, but then where does the stuff sit til I can accomplish that? Yes the mini-fridge would have been a better option, but I did not realize things would drag on so long and weirdly.   

I did find a great ice machine closer by, which has been a big help. It's funny, it is festooned with big signs saying 'don't leave your trash here', fancy graphics and all. People leave beer cases etc. Seems like installing a trash can would have been cheaper and more effective than the signs!

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