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jim troy Lyr Req: The car broke down in Booterstown (3) RE: Lyr Req: The car broke down in Booterstown 05 Sep 24

Thanks Joe,   never thought of that, as an alternative verse, and it staring me in the face !
Murdered that song on at least two occcasions.

But no, the Ma would have politely declined to be associated with the likes of that class of song/singers.
She and her sisters, there were 5, would have been of those Irish songsters, seriously high pitch, ethereal.
Bodenstown Churchyard, Robin Adare, Ellen Aroon.
Great stuff, mighty, your ears would be ringing awhile after.

The car broke down, would have been a fairly risqué for them.

I will chase around the remnants of the clan, rattle a few memories.
(and there y'are, Shem, draggin' up the past again...)

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