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GUEST,Ced2 Gospel Origin-Civil Rights & Labor Songs (69* d) RE: Gospel Origin-Civil Rights & Labor Songs 19 Mar 01

The "get the tune from gospel" theme was not a purely American idea. The point was to identify what tunes were known in an era when there was no radio gramaphone tape cd etc.,etc. The British Labour Movement employed the same tactic, church tunes were used as a backdrop to many socialist songs. The Indepndent Labour Party published ( for fourpence) "Labours Song Book",the 1926 edition contains 75 songs but no tunes,nor unfortunately does it contain a reference to the tune. Similarly "Labour's Church Hymn Book of 1915 contains 178 songs but no music or reference to music. However that book does contain a refeence to the "Labour Church Tune Book, first published in May 1912. "Bound in stiff cloth covers it comprises words, Staff Notation and Tonic Solfa for 178 hymns and is on sales for 4s 6d (carriage paid 5s)." George Lansbury also produced (at least) two books Sixteen Songs for Sixpence and Sixteen More Songs(?). Both these have music.

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