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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Severn BS: Mudcat Tavern for the Bewildered (278* d) RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern for the Bewildered 11 Oct 24

Billy The Squid peers through the door from the beach. So far, though the Squid population has as been fed and Mellowed and still tend to take whatever has. Been left around by us humans at Christmas, they have been spending much time away. One tends to wonder if the original Squid couple will have another brood and Billy and the crew who once broke into and raced around the Recovery Hospital in the Old Days, Or will some of the Younger bunch settle down and take over. What is the average lifespan of a Squid, Giant or normal size. How many, if any, have already left and since they don't seem to write postcards like Snowmen, Alligators and some of the other creatures that come and go, what will become of our Squid population? Will we have to enlarge the pool when another generation occurs? Any ideas?

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