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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage BS: stay afloat while others don't (705* d) RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't 02 Nov 24

No Halloween, I turn off lights and stay away from the front of the house, but I didn't hear anyone walking around in the street, so it was probably another quiet year. Most years here are quiet. My dogs don't appreciate the kids and costumes, so we hunker down to spare them the excitement.

Keb, good news on the newer used car. With each couple of years a whole bunch of useful safety features come along so it's a good thing for you to have traded up. (I also miss having a stickshift; the last couple of times I bought cars I didn't have the leisure to search for something with a good standard transmission. Not all are created equal, so I drive a ubiquitous automatic.)

That baseball duo I linked to seem to be staying afloat - after that stunt they were only banned from one game and their admission price to that game was refunded. There will still probably be a social comeuppance.

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