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GUEST,Chris Lyr Req: Dam Song (Rosemary Woods) (18) RE: Lyr Req: Dam Song (Rosemary Woods) 06 Nov 24

Twenty years late to the party but I think I can add a bit to Felipa’s excellent transcription. My recording of this song has disappeared, but this is what I have from memory:

Verse 1, line 2, ‘Now our village is a log-jam…’.

Verse 2, line 3, ‘Except for all the other bungalows, and the traffic into town’.

Verse 3, lines 1 and 4, ‘Crops’ should be ‘croft’. A croft is a small, isolated Scottish farm. There aren’t many left now. Line 4, I always thought it was ‘And nature gave them merry hell…’ but I am probably wrong and, as I say, I no longer have the recording.

Great little song, probably more relevant now than when it was written.


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