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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 06 Nov 24

I have just checked to see how many months are left on my mortgage at the current rate to pay off my house, and I will use the time to hurry up my decluttering so that when that time comes I can easily sell and move out of this state. It's bad enough being in the US with Trump, and being in Texas compounds the injury. I don't know if I'll be able to get the rest of the family out, but it is worth the effort.

While I was tossing and not sleeping last night I worked out a list of the things I need to start doing as far as cosmetic repairs. The structure is sound (well, except for the foundation - but if I have the work done on that in a really wet winter the house will be as close to level as it ever is and possibly make the work less expensive). Paint is cheap.

I was really depressed this morning when I finally decided there was no point in trying to stay in bed any longer, but now I find I'm really pissed off, and that is a better way to approach what is coming. We need to make the most of the next two and a half months and case harden as much of our lives and the government as possible. I'll be setting up monthly donations to the ACLU.

Pardon me while I go feed the dogs then get ready to finally finish that backyard fence, and while I'm back there, measure the side door in the garage to order a replacement.

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