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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 06 Nov 24

That would be lovely! There are several Mudcatters in that area. My brother is in New Hampshire, near his daughter and grandchildren, a possible destination, but my heart (and my son) is in the Puget Sound area. Dorothy's old stomping grounds also. I have to split myself from one child to live near the other. One in Texas, one in the NW. Those are pretty much my two places to choose. I told the ex about this thought today, so he can consider it.

Here at the house more sunflowers are in the Rubbermaid can for tomorrow's trash. And I finally cut my way through the large (12") root at the back fenceline that pushed my fencepost crooked. I'll straighten the post and backfill with some fresh concrete (leaving the old footer still on it). I pulled out the electric reciprocating saw and after a half hour going back and forth with the saw and crowbar was able to cut the root. Soon I'll reinforce the concrete footer then finish that chunk of fence.

Saturday AT&T installs the new Internet. The fiber cable is faster and cheaper than Spectrum that has jerked me around for a long time. Today I called and said that since I never saw the speed they promoted I wanted to drop back to the lower speed and price. No can do, apparently. All accounts are the same high price. So I told him no thanks and goodbye and now I hope they don't tank my Internet service before Saturday when I'll call to cancel. Good riddance.

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