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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 07 Nov 24

Charmion, if you start to hear about your weight loss from friends you'll know you've gone too far. That's what happened here, so I'm about five pounds above my target weight, and don't hear comments now.

I'm working my way through the Pollan book still and can see where Gary Taubes takes issue; they cover much of the same territory (and Pollan is very appreciative of the work Taubes did in Good Calories, Bad Calories - he calls it eye-opening and groundbreaking). Pollan suggests the science hasn't looked enough at what we get from plants (the things "nutritionists" haven't learned to quantify). Taubes has shown less curiosity about that, and is into avoiding carbs at most costs. Carbs = most plants. I'm looking at exchanging some of the yogurt I eat for a larger variety of small portions of vegetables and fruits. Staying pretty close to the "slow carb" designation (but with a few potatoes and carrots in the mix.) His discussion of the science of nutrition is pretty interesting, and also kind of depressing. The hardness and fastness of nutrition labels seems to be yet another myth.

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