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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 09 Nov 24

This has been a hell of a week, but despite the exhaustion of political turmoil I've sorted out one thing I've put off for a long time. Inertia is a great reason for leaving accounts in place that you don't like if the change means a lot of bother, but I finally went to that bother. Today I've been going through various accounts I don't use anymore and logging off or unsubscribing, and have set up the new internet account so I'm ready for the tech to test my new service. I also have a long CAT 5 cable (yes, CAT 6 is better for the faster service, but it's here and will work) to run from the router in the hall to the computer to test it. I'm not going to let him fuss with anything else, and after he's gone I'll go into the settings and set up the IP Passthrough so I can use my existing third party router with the new fiber modem. In theory I won't need to change any of my setups or passwords, and I'm planning to change the stupid gibberish password that AT&T assigns to it's devices.

I promised the dogs a walk through the park tomorrow morning before the excitement begins. I may also run the vacuum and clear out some of the drifts of dog hair in the hall where the guy will work. He's also going to have to go into the attic, and I'm ready for that as well, having moved the shelves from the pantry (they block access to the modem area) and out of the way in the hall where the steps need to pull down.

Patty, I added your book recommendation to my GoodReads list so I don't lose track of it. Another long one!

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