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Stilly River Sage BS: Let's talk about the US election (368* d) RE: BS: Let's talk about the US election 09 Nov 24

The finger pointing right now is going in all directions. Black women blaming White women, White women blaming minorities and men, college educated versus high school or less education, and many other versions of the blame game.

The places we get our news are so diverse and many of them so free of the truth that until there is a conversation about that, it's a cacophony. As long as it benefits the GOP to let big money into politics Citizens United will never be overturned, and after Twitter being sold to Musk there is a huge toxic platform of invective—The New York Times and every other newspaper in the land are not the main source of information for the voters who didn't understand Trump's lies and self-interest in running - to stay out of prison.

There's a lot of work to do to find ways to educate those Trump voters about how the government really works and hopefully a way to reign in the oligarchs. In turn, the Democrats have to pay more attention to the voters who have less education, to all of the jobs in fields and trades that have been overlooked. And to shine a light on the real reasons groceries are expensive and housing hard to come by - investors and corporations. What a lot of them are doing now used to be illegal. Thank Dubya and the Supreme Court for rolling back a lot of the things that kept corporations honest. The court has to be addressed - a binding code of conduct, an Inspector General. And Biden does need to add another justice, though Trump would probably do the same thing just to get even. Right now everyone is probably holding their breaths and trying not to give Trump any ideas.

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