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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage BS: stay afloat while others don't (705* d) RE: BS: stay afloat while others don't 09 Nov 24

Staying afloat - ditching Spectrum is a struggle - when you try to close your account they send you to the sales folks who insist on this and that - discount offers, you're paid up and losing 10 days of service - crap - it really helps if you have a Scotch before making the call. On hold several times. The last time she came on (after telling me my router doesn't work well enough - it's blazing along at 650 on ATT, nothing to do with being deficient) I have repeated I want to simply close the account. I paid the last bill, I am aware that there are a few days to the end of the enrollment month, I don't give a phuck that I paid for service I'm not using. Ditching that 800-pound gorilla is a pleasure. Good riddance. I feel better already.

I feel awful about the election results and have already dedicated these savings to monthly donations to the ACLU.

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