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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 09 Nov 24

The Internet service provider exchange is complete. The most excruciating part is getting someone on Spectrum to simply close the account - they send you to sales and do everything they can think of to keep you. "Your personal modem was insufficient" - no, and it's blazing along at twice the speed right now on AT&T. "We'll lower your price" - you should have done that when I asked. "You paid for 10 days you won't be using" - I told her I don't give a fuck about that - and she went ahead and finally agreed to close the account. It's funny, the phone clicked over to hold when the F word was introduced.

Tomorrow is free of appointments so I'll work on eBay listings. I want to keep moving forward on emptying this stuff out of here. Lately nothing has been selling except the glasses, so I'll list more glasses.

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