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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 10 Nov 24

Instead of my virtuous list of chores getting attention I continued to struggle with the Internet setup. I think I've solved one problem without having to jump through more hoops. I'll use the Microsoft Defender program for the antivirus (it's already in there) and stop trying to add AT&T's free McAfee suite. That's several hours I won't get back, but I learned something, so it wasn't wasted time. Getting under the hood every so often keeps your computer and software skills current.

I set the speed lower on the Internet and it still is just fine, better than Spectrum. This month's bill is already set, but after next month it will be about $25 lower than Spectrum. The Tech support person was able to set that up for me.

Busy tomorrow then a couple of days off. Tomorrow is a social day, that is probably something I should do just because it's good for me.

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