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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 11 Nov 24

I saw my daughter today between the various scheduled meetings and appointments (I took over my 25 drawer cabinet of embroidery floss for her to pick through) and we discussed Thanksgiving. I'm making changes to my diet, but I will still have some of the traditional things they expect - mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, but I'll also see about that Cranberry duff as an addition to the fare. Meat and poultry. Slow-carb vegetables. She understands (has been hearing about this for several months) so we're good. Now to find a date.

Thanks for naming some of the possible thickening agents for gravy. Cornstarch does have its limitations. I could keep a container of the drippings in the fridge and make fresh gravy each time I need it if I went that way.

Meanwhile, this morning Dorothy wrote:
A week with my wonderful #2 son (61) has been all manner of gifts. The bottom line is that we (R, Taun and myself) are all realizing, and supportive of each other, that there is only one way out of this. I am sadly ready and hope to get off the world peacefully in the not too distant future: weeks? months?

Viewing this as the ultimate de-clutter?

Very little energy. Going back to bed.

I am verklempt. Dorothy, I love you. If you need and can get palliative care it frequently extends life. You can continue chemo (if it isn't too nasty) during that time. Being comfortable is good for you, and I'm glad you had time with your son to really talk about it. My heart is still broken to know your cancer that took so long to get diagnosed and you're having to make these decisions now. Give our love to Robin - he's going to need it to sort out everything you two have built. I'd love to buy a cup or plate or bowl or whatever you have made that is around for sale if someone could ship it. Your work is gorgeous. ❤ ❤ (lets see if either of those gets through).

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