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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 12 Nov 24

Dorothy, I need to either do something with my old Wordpress account or bail on it. Like you say, I think I wrote better then. (I felt like I had more to write about!) It's a question of adjusting that one or changing venues and subject matter. Scattershot all over a few social media isn't great communication.

I took myself off of statins this year, but I don't consider that as important as the one you took yourself off of. Maybe your doctor has a suggestion of a version of that with fewer side effects? Or sometimes there is a companion medication to help with those.

Since you looked at your hold homes, I've revisited a couple: my childhood home (the earliest one I remember) was upgraded and now appears to have a basement apartment. The house we moved to when I was finishing elementary school has had some changes (the front porch rebuilt) but the robust magnolia that we gave my mom for Mother's Day in 1968 is still at the corner of the front yard. The current street view from 2018 has a garage. The 2024 satellite view looks like they tore it off.

Good work on the printer setup, and I'm sorry Taun's bagels were a bit stale when he left.

Attacking the fence post this afternoon.

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