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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 12 Nov 24

Good luck with that! Steroids and antibiotics are wonderful tools but they are overused. Hopefully the only thing you need now is a healthy dose of time (and do you breathe steam to soothe your respiratory system?)

The fence post is pretty securely lodged so I'll call next door and plan tomorrow to go around to their side of the fence to do some digging and pushing in the direction I want it to move (straight up - it leans into their yard at about 15o from vertical). Meanwhile I did an esthetic project. The fence posts are all set in concrete that it is not flush with the surface so pickets at the post look taller than the rest of the fence, giving it a wavy look. I worked my way the length of that fence removing those pickets, turned them upside down, figured how much would come off the bottom and drew a line before sawing. After trimming about a dozen pickets the fence looks much better.

And in the "it's always something" department, today's work made it clear that my tool arrangement needs work. I have enough battery-operated Ryobi tools that now they are an ungainly stack in the laundry room. I need to look at the shelves on both sides of that tiny room and decide what gets moved to make space or if the tools need a new home entirely. It may be that some stuff goes to the garage and the tools get most of the lowest shelf over the washer.

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