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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 13 Nov 24

Ticking off the various office decluttering items that need doing, filing and shredding so far. Fall came to my computer desk via a scattering of colorful post-it notes that are slowly rounded up and acted upon - send the note, bookmark the podcast or film, save a book title in GoodReads, an appointment that is past - all into the trash when finished. A couple of films are now on my Prime watchlist and sorted the Spotify free account and a podcast added to it. The Spectrum account is closed and there is no way to see the autopay stuff but I did what I could to disable that when I made the last payment. Disturbing dust has caused some sneezing (I will dust when I finish clearing).

This morning I sent an email to WYSIWYG - Susan Hinton. I hadn't heard anything from her for a long time but stumbled upon a Facebook group where she is still modestly active. I have no information about where she's living or how much much help she's needing now.

I concur about the price of cheese - the good stuff costs money. The reason I love my local warehouse gourmet grocery is for things like high end cheese and yogurt that turn up there periodically. Last week I found some high-end havarti. Usually I buy at places like Costco (their Coastal rugged mature sharp cheddar is a favorite.) Good dining, Dorothy! I hope that doctor appointment gives you the best of both worlds - comfort and prolonged life.

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