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GUEST,henryp Hunter Muskett-reforming to play a few gigs (8) RE: Hunter Muskett-reforming to play a few gigs 14 Nov 24

Hunter Muskett played a very enjoyable concert at Wrea Green, Preston last night.
Still time to catch them on their 2024 annual tour;

Thurs 14 Newport Folk Club, Newport Fugitives Athletic Club, High Cross Road, Newport NP10 9AE
Sat 16 CAA Club, 20 Bedford Street, London WC2E 9HP (Start 7.30pm)
Admission, by advance ticket only, £15. Ticket enquiries to:
Sun 17 Quay Folk Club, 15 Sea Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30-5BD.
Thur 21 Wivenhoe Folk Club, The Royal British Legion, The Quay, Wivenhoe, Essex CO7 9BX
Fri 22 Cambridge Folk Club, The Golden Hind, 355 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1SP
Sun 24 Folk on the Moor Moorland Hotel, Wotter, Devon, PL7 5HP
Wed 27 Dorking Folk Club, Dorking Golf Club, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4BX
Thurs 28 Royston Live, The Plough, 12 High Street, Shepreth, Royston SG8 6PP

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