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Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 15 Nov 24

Patty, I've never heard of the goathead roller - wow! That's serious infestation control. And your description of moving that bed sounds like a good way to get to know your neighbors. I've paid someone come in to move my upright grand piano three times between residences. I had special heavy-duty castors installed to make rolling it a bit easier, but it still weighs 1000 pounds.

Good luck with the kitchen faucet. This reminds me I've been meaning to change out my kitchen faucet. "Washerless" doesn't mean there isn't a problem with adjusting or dripping. (Charmion's faucet kind of describes the one I want to replace, except it wasn't expensive, it's that the connecter lines are not the usual gauge and the pressure is always a bit low. It needs the next larger line and can only be accomplished by changing the entire faucet.)

Mrrzy's studio sounds fascinating. When you went through the pile of art and clothing what remained in the room? What kind of art? (And are you redistributing the forgotten gifts to the Trumper recipients or to other recipients?)

Still have a lot to do around here. Keep moving forward.

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