Mrrzy, it's always something, isn't it? I had to look up glass chillum, so that pretty much means I can't help you with that. Reminded me of a rainstorm decades ago in NY City - walking with a friend in Greenwich Village when the heavens opened. Approaching us on the sidewalk were two foot-patrol police officers. As the rain hit we all darted through the nearest business doorway and found ourselves standing in a beautifully set up head shop. Everyone was kind of surprised. I don't remember how long we stayed but I'm sure the cops left first. New Internet provider set up this week, went through the fuss of installation and declining the offer of help (and sales pitch for bundled stuff) from the associate who arrives partway through the installation. I set up online bills and auto pay to lower the price by $10 a month - and the first bill arrived via email full price. A week into the plan I have to call and badger the billing department. That is probably why they give you a $100 gift card as a thank you for switching - it covers all of the nonsense in that first bill.