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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 15 Nov 24

I'm glad it's working for you, Keberoxu! I like the Vermont Country Store. Recently I found a sulfite-free shampoo fairly low in the other stuff so every other time I shampoo I use that for the first wash, then my bar soap for the final wash, hoping it will remove any of the problem stuff. Shampoo is easier to use than bars. And if you're interested in another investigatory route, my hairdresser told me that the shampoos and (in particular) conditioners with Purple in them seem to really make silver and gray hair sparkle. But if your scalp isn't happy, your hair won't be happy.

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? You're still at the facility you've been at for a while, aren't you? Do you have options? And how is the apartment declutter going? Have you sold more pieces or made donations to thrift stores, etc? Papers to the shredder?

When I woke this morning I realized I was perfectly comfortable under my small lap quilt over the sheet, but if my feet strayed beyond it they would be cold. When I changed the sheets this afternoon I put the big quilt on. The heat hasn't been turned on yet, that may probably happen in a few days when the daytime highs are in the low 60s.

The sunroom is looking much better this evening and I made progress on the jigsaw.

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