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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Stilly River Sage DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 (1086* d) RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 17 Nov 24

I have several quarts of frozen mustang grape juice that I hate to waste; I'm not eating much sugar these days but lots of friends still use jelly so I'm going to thaw a couple of jars and make a batch for gifts this year. I'll look for some 12oz jelly jars (they have an embossed jewel pattern that is lovely with the jelly color) for more robust gifts.

The ice cube dispenser again was clogged and I dismantled things and realize that the rim of insulation around the edge of the flapper that covers the cube channel has nicks in it. It appears that moisture gets in through there and builds up on the metal part of the mechanism. I have two choices - it may be that the flapper part is replaceable (it looks like it can be snapped off) or I could use something to give extra insulation around that point. Research will tell me which is the better bet (if the flapper is a universally-sized replaceable item or not).

My olive oil supply is running low so I tried calling the Halal grocery to learn if they have the new year's batch of olive oil in yet but when I select "English" as my language it goes to a recording. No English speakers there this morning it seems. Most of the employees are immigrants who don't speak a lot of English yet. I'll drive over tomorrow and look for myself.

Working on the box for my son; I had to hunt around to find some of the stuff that has been sitting here for a while waiting to be sent. It will go in the morning, clearing up a couple of cubic feet of stuff (but there's so much more to move before the holidays). I flattened a bunch of boxes in the front room and the sun room is looking good now, though I do want to move one more piece of furniture out of there. Where to is the question I need to answer first. I had the swing on the front porch for a while and while it gets so faded out there I did like having it to sit on. Maybe I'll move it back out and find another tarp to cover to prevent fading.

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