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Stilly River Sage Tech: Combining computer security programs? (23) RE: Tech: Combining computer security programs? 17 Nov 24

Robomatic, what I've learned through this is if you simply turn on your Windows Defender you'll have some of the best antivirus in place and it comes with the machine (if you're on a PC). Not sure what to tell you about Apple.

Malwarebytes is somewhat different in how it works, but when I have it in there, Windows won't turn on Defender full time.

I'm not ready to try passkeys either. I stick for now with passphrases I've created that I can generally remember even as odd as they may look. I do also use a FIDO device and authentication software with 2-factor authentication. My phone has several apps that I've set up to use biometrics, my face or my fingerprint.

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